PACEM IN MARIBUS Conference,5-8 November 2007 in Malta -
The State of the Ocean - Involvement of Women and Youth within Millenium
Development Goal Strategies - New Solidarities for sustainable ocean
Organized by the International Ocean Institute (IOI) (Malta Operational Centre , University of Malta, 43 Valley Road, Birkirkara, BKR10, MALTA), and sponsored by many governmental and international organizations, the goal of the PIM-32 conference is to advance the cause of sustainable oceans governance by exploring such critical issues as climate change, threats to marine biodiversity and food security, marine disasters and coastal vulnerabilities - as well as engaging Women and Youth in critical roles that can shape the future and improve the quality of human life on our planet. For more information on this very important conference, about its venue in the beautiful Islands of Malta, and for registration, visit the PIM website. You may also DOWNLOAD FLYER (in pdf) from this site. DOWNLOAD SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT AND REGISTRATION FORM as well as a POSTER (in pdf) from this site.
PACEM IN MARIBUS XXXII - The Malta Declaration
The meeting of Pacem in Maribus XXXII was held in Attard, Malta from the 5th to the 8th November 2007 on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the statement of Ambassador Arvid Pardo on behalf of the government of Malta at The United Nations General Assembly (1st of November, 1967) declaring the ocean space, the surface of the sea, the water column, the seabed and its subsoil as common heritage of mankind, that forever changed humanity’s relationship with the ocean and environment of our planet. DOWNLOAD (pdf)
12-24 December 2007, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,
INDIA. Organized by the Civil Engineering Dept., CHAITANYA BHARATHI
The themes of this conference include: water and climate related hazards - soil related disasters mine disasters- dam bursts and failures, - Biological disasters and epidemics Chemical, industrial and nuclear related disasters- Blasts, fires, oil spills, bomb blasts - Electrical disasters Mechanical disasters - Transportation disasters - Environmental Disasters - Structural Disasters (Seismic hazards -Blasts and impacts - extreme loading structural vulnerability and performace studies - structural disasters - progressive collapse of structures - damage assessment - rehabilitation and retrofitting of structures). Computer Applications and Instrumentation (Techniques and instruments for detection and data acquisition systems for the prediction, assessment and computation of natural disasters (such as tsunamis). For more information on this important conference, about its venue, for registration or to submit a paper for presetnation, DOWNLOAD FLYER AND REGISTRATION FORM (in pdf) from this site, then contact the Conference Secretary,IC NHDM,CED , CBIT, Hyderabad 500 075 (AP), INDIA. Ph:09391016066 E-mail: sreenivassarma.p@gmail.co
SURVIVING KATRINA, a two-hour special premiering Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 9 PM ET/PT on the Discovery Channel. (to be repeatedagain) NEW DRAMATIC DOCUMENTARY PROFILES ENDURING STORIES OF SURVIVAL AND PROVIDES EXPERT ANALYSIS OF HURRICANE KATRINA-- Anniversary Special Includes Emergency Calls, Never-Before-Seen Home Video, Personal Interviews and Reconstructions
DISCOVERY CHANNEL'S PERFECT DISASTER - CHRONICLES SIX EXTREME WEATHER DISASTERS IN CITIES WORLDWIDE - Premiering Sunday, March 19, 2006 from 9-11 PM ET/PT. (TO BE REPEATED AGAIN). The most realistic perfect storms imaginable in the six-part series PERFECT DISASTER.
THIRD TSUNAMI SUMPOSIUM of The Tsunami Society - May 23-25, 2006, East-West Center, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. THIRD TSUNAMI SYMPOSIUM - PROGRAM, ABSTRACTS, PHOTOGRAPHS
2nd WORKSHOP ON EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION (European Seismological Commission) - 22 to 2June 2006. Patras University, GREECE
TSUNAMI LECTURE - (Completed)(Brochure and Reservation in pdf) Poster (in pdf)- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Monday March 21, 2005 - Mitigating the Impact of Tsunamis and other Marine Disasters - Land Use and Engineering Considerations. Distinguished Lecture by Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis. Venue: HKPU Chiang Chen Studio Theater, the Hong kong Polytechnic University.
Chania, Greece, 27-29 June, 2005 The 22nd International Tsunami Symposium
2005 is organized in the framework of the Tsunami
Commission of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land, 11
- 13 July 2005, Milos Island, Greece (Completed). Constructive discussion
of all the issues related to the hypothesis of the lost land of Atlantis.
For more information go to: http://milos.conferences.gr/?atlantis2005
November 1-4, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal - Deadline for Abstracts -
20 May 2005. (Completed).
The 1755 earthquake was influential not only in Portugal but in all European and North African countries, where its devastating effects were felt. The entire world was deeply impressed and the discussion of its causes generated a large amount of scientific and metaphysical speculation. It inspired philosophers, poets and writers. The socio-economic consequences of the event were great and affected the future organization and development of Portugal. The eventuality of a similar occurrence urges society and the scientific community to reflect on its lessons. 250 years after the 1755 earthquake, the opportunity to put together scientists, engineers, historians, philosophers, urban planners, architects, economists, policy makers, can foster an integrated view on our global perception of natural disasters and how society must deal with them.
Tsunami ... Earthquakes .. Seismotectonics .. Hurricanes ... Volcanic Eruptions..Tornadoes..Natural Disasters. Disaster Archaeology. Climate Change . Ocean Governance
Announcements .. Completed Events .. Special Bulletins: Recent Disasters .. Books & Book Reviews .. Tsunami Society
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Web Design by Dr. Carolyn Carayannis © Copyright 2008 / all rights reserved. © Copyright 1963-2007 George Pararas-Carayannis / all rights reserved / Information on this site is for viewing and personal information only - protected by copyright. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of material from this site without written permission is prohibited. Material included at the website links above is for informative and educational purposes and for disaster preparedness only. Any predictions of large earthquakes, destructive tsunamis, or any other natural disasters presented in these pages are based primarily on statistical determinations of the historical recurrence frequencies of such events. Such historical/statistical approaches are used only for long-term predictions. There is no intent by the author to predict or forecast any type of natural disaster or to frighten people.