1980 To Present
(In Chronological Order)
SAMOA 2009 - Earthquake and Tsunami of 39 September 2009 in the Samoan Islands Region
INDONESIA 2007 - Earthquake and Tsunami of 12 September 2007 in Indonesia
SOLOMON ISLANDS 2007 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of April 1, 2007 in the Solomon Islands
RUSSIA 2007 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of 13 January 2007 in the Kuril Islands
PERU 2007- Earthquake and Tsunami of August 15, 2007 in Peru
RUSSIA 2006 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of 15 November 2006 in the Kuril Islands
USA - Hawaii 2006 - The Earthquake of 15 October 2006 in the Hawaiian Islands
INDONESIA 2006 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of 17 July 2006 in Java
TONGA 2006 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of May 3, 2006 in Tonga
INDONESIA 2005 - The Great Earthquake and Tsunami of 28 March 2005 near the Island of Sumatra in Indonesia
INDONESIA 2004 - The Great Earthquake and Tsunami of 26 December 2004 in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean
VANUATU 2002 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of 2 January 2002 in Vanuatu
PERU 2001- The Earthquake and Tsunami of 23 June 2001 in Southern Peru
USA 2001- The Earthquake of February 28, 2001 in the State of Washington, USA
INDIA 2001 - The Earthquake of January 25, 2001 in India
EL SALVADOR 2001- The Earthquake of January 13, 2001 in El Salvador
VANUATU 1999 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of November 26, 1999 in Vanuatu
TURKEY 1999 - The Earthquake of November 12, 1999 in Turkey
TURKEY 1999 - Tsunami Generation of the Kocaeli Earthquake of August 17, 1999 in Izmit Bay, Turkey
TURKEY 1999 - The Tsunami of August 17, 1999 in the Sea if Marmara, Turkey
TAIWAN 1999 - The Earthquake of September 20, 1999 in Taiwan
GREECE 1999 - The Earthquake of September 7, 1999 in Athens, Greece
TURKEY 1999 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of August 17, 1999 in Turkey
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1998 - The Tsunami of 17 July 1998 in Papua -New Guinea
PERU 1996 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of February 21, 1996 in Peru
RUSSIA 1994 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of October 4, 1994 in the Kuril Ialands, Russia
JAPAN 1993 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of July 12, 1993 in the Sea of Japan/East Sea
NICARAGUA 1992 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of 2 September 1992 in Nicaragua
MEXICO 1985 - The Great Eartquake and Tsunami of 19 September 1985 in Mexico
MEXICO 1985 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of 21 September 1985 in Mexico
JAPAN 1983 - The Earthquake and Tsunami of 26 May 1983 in the Sea of Japan
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